Research Interest
Theoretical study on condensed matter physics by first-principles calculations: thermoelectric effects, strong electron correlation, topological phases, wave-function theory, etc. More details *Figures are taken from Publications [22](top left), [45](top right), [33](bottom left), [3](bottom right).researchmap Google Scholar
Curriculum Vitae
- Apr. 2022 - present: Associate Professor, Forefront Research Center, Osaka University
- Apr. 2021 - present: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Osaka University
- Sep. 2015 - Mar. 2021: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Osaka University (Prof. Kazuhiko Kuroki)
- Apr. 2014 - Aug. 2015: Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN CEMS (Dr. Ryotaro Arita)
- Mar. 2014: PhD, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo (Prof. Shinji Tsuneyuki)
- Mar. 2011: MSci, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo (Prof. Shinji Tsuneyuki)
- Mar. 2009: BSci, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
- Apr. 2020: Young Scientists’ Award, Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- Nov. 2019: Osaka University Prize
- Mar. 2018: Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 11) "Development of first-principles wave function theory for solid-state electronic structures"
- Feb. 2018: Kenichi Fukui Encouragement Award
Computational code
- TC++: An open-source software of the first-principles transcorrelated method for periodic systems (Main developer)